Why I Plan To Hedge Poppy (inch'allah)

Thursday, February 7, 2013

primary school hedging strategy =>  an A-list primary school education won't necessarily translate to creative virtuosity, but it does mean that it is statistically less likely that your child will turn out to be lackluster.  When I'm 80 and sitting 'round the Luby's lunch table with my fellow seniors, it'd be nice to have some accomplishments to brag about.  And, considering it's doubtful that I'll have had many of note, I'm going to send Poppy to excellent schools and see what she can come up with/innovate/weave/sing/write/fix/marry.  


I usually listen to Pandora whilst getting aerobic.  During one such treadmill session a few days ago I heard the following lyrics coming from my 'Carla Bruni' station:

Je ne veux pas travailler
Je ne veux pas déjeuner
Je veux seulement l'oublier
Et puis je fume

Which I recognized to mean something like:

I don't want to work
I don't want to have lunch
I only want to forget (something specific)
and then I smoke

The rest of the song goes on to talk about how she's not proud of this lack of ambition.  She believes that it's magnificent to be a nice person...she just never knew how to be nice.

[Simple yet profound huh?  This girl really put herself out there.] 

While still walking on the treadmill I tapped around on Pandora to find out who was singing these funny and succinct lyrics.  She's an American (which surprised me because her French accent is so beautiful) by the name of....wait for it....China Forbes.  Yes, her first name is China and her last name is Forbes.  China Forbes.  She went to Exeter - a high school that has educated a whole heap of smart and creative people.  People like:

-William Butler of Arcade Fire.

-Jeff Ma: that MIT blackjack dude.  He was the subject of Ben Mezrich's book Bringing Down the House that later became a movie starring Kevin Spacey and Kate Bosworth.

-Mark Zuckerberg: you know this guy.

-and one of those Coors beer guys.

After Exeter, Ms. China Forbes went to Harvard and studied visual arts which resulted in the creation of the following visually artistic music video:

Ma chambre a la forme d'une cage
Le soleil passe son bras par la fenêtre
Les chasseurs ma porte
Comme les p'tits soldats
Qui veulent me prendre
Je ne veux pas travailler
Je ne veux pas déjeuner
Je veux seulement l'oublier
Et puis je fume

Déjà j'ai connu le parfum de l'amour
Un million de roses n'embaumerait pas autant
Maintenant une seule fleur dans mes entourages
Me rend malade

Je ne suis pas fière de sa
Vie qui veut me tuer
C'est magnifique être Sympathique
Mais je ne le connais jamais



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